Welcome to Our Virtual Classroom

Welcome 3rd grade students and parents to the 2009-2010 school year. Here is our new Blog Site. This blog will give us an opportunity to communicate back and forth on issues that are important to 3rd grade here at Kendrick Lakes. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!! ~Ms. Woodman

Here are some of the ways I wish to use this blog to facilitate parental communication:
a calendar of class events (including field trips);
a daily schedule;
a copy of our classroom behavior contract;
a summary of what the students are learning and what is going on in the classroom;
the week's spelling list;
pictures of the kids at work in the classroom;
web sites that I would like my students and their parents to visit;
an opportunity for parents to post questions and/or comments;
a list of upcoming deadlines;
a copy of assignment expectations and rubrics.

It is my hope that collectively (parents, students, and myself) we are able to use this communication tool effectively as we embrace technology in the classroom.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Scott Foresman Reading

Unit 1 Dollars and Sense

Concept Question: When is money important, and when does it affect our lives?

Genre: Historical Fiction

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues

Comprehension Skill: Realism/Fantasy

Comprehension Strategy: Activate/Use Prior Knowledge

Genre: Fable

Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure

Comprehension Skill: Sequence

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Vocabulary Strategy: Glossary or Dictionary

Comprehension Skill: Sequence

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize

Genre: Nonfiction

Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues

Comprehension Skill: Realism/Fantasy

Comprehension Strategy: Monitor and Fix Up

Genre: Fiction

Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure

Comprehension Skill: Character and Setting

Comprehension Strategy: Story Structure

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